It's true. Netriplex is not like any other cloud organization. Because our global network is truly datacenter-independent and network provider independent, we are more redundant and resilient than any other provider. This gives our customers the unprecedented ability to seamlessly build routing and failover configurations from one datacenter to another, regardless of who the underlying provider is.
Our cloud platform resides in 17 countries using hundreds of different network providers. This provides incredible performance, redundancy, scalability and capacity. Simply put, the network is designed to never go down. We route traffic for small businesses on up to some of the world's largest corporations.
Netriplex is here when you need us, 24x7x365. Not just by email or through our efficient case tracking system, but you can also speak to a real person by telephone, whenever you want, without limits — unlike some of our competitors. All support is provided around the clock by our US-based Network Operations Center in North Carolina. Reach out to us for help with deployment, configuration assistance, importing data or a critical issue, all at no additional cost